Photos and videos from the wedding ceremony have leaked online, exposing the singer’s father’s claims. One of the pictures showed Mohbad’s father with Wunmi next to his divorced wife (Mohbad’s mother).
Online footage and pictures from the late musician Ileriouluwa Oladimeji Aloba, also known as Mohbad, have surfaced.
According to GISTLOVER, Joseph Aloba, the singer’s father, had stated that his son had not wed Omawunmi before his away tragically.
Photos and videos from the wedding ceremony have leaked online, exposing the singer’s father’s claims. One of the pictures showed Mohbad’s father with Wunmi next to his divorced wife (Mohbad’s mother).
Since then, the images have generated controversy online, with some attempting to elucidate Mohbad’s father’s remarks and others disparaging him.
One Black Rosie wrote, “Sometimes your blood is the weapon fashioned against you
One Nkeng Solange wrote, “Hahahaha those defending this man are on colos. He didn’t know it was a traditional wedding but he wore a matching outfit or did Imole also surprise him with the dress to wear that day
One Bojan wrote, “Na the wife dey send all these videos to Gistlover to post. She has to protect her paying client by all means
One Daughta wrote, “The father never they aren’t married ooo. He said dey paid her bride price
One Bieber Swity wrote, “He didn’t say they weren’t married o, he said they were married and they paid bride price but traditional marriage not legal, that means they didn’t do court wedding
One Parker Ojugo wrote, “This case getting hard day by day who we go believe like this”.
One Nne Diary wrote, “I’m telling you they are trying to pin this thing in the wife
One Gbolly Bees Skincare wrote, “In all, we do make we no sha marry or date man from a wicked family o
One Bukoye Amos wrote, “The father na mad man I said earlier and I will repeat it. Let him deny this one too. Na property he wants, he no kiss his son I swear to God
One Lola Adaeze wrote, “The dad didn’t claim that Mohbad did marry her. He said it was supposed to be an introduction, only for him to get there and he found out they have turned it to traditional marriage. Get your facts right
One Big Time Dagold wrote, “For the fact that his son doesn’t carry him along shows that the man is not a responsible father